Stora Enso
Stora Enso is a leading provider of renewable solutions in packaging, biomaterials, wooden constructions and paper on global markets. Our aim is to replace fossil based materials by innovating and developing new products and services based on wood and other renewable materials.
Our products provide a climate-friendly alternative to many products made from non-renewable materials, and have a smaller carbon footprint. Being responsible – doing good for the people and the planet – underpins our thinking and our approach to every aspect of doing business.
Stora Enso was founded on 29th December 1998 and has its head offices in Helsinki and Stockholm. We employ some 26 000 people in more than 30 countries, and our sales in 2018 were EUR 10.5 billion.
Stora Enso operates globally:
Stora Enso’s head office is in Helsinki, Finland. Most of the Group’s sales and operations take place in Europe, where we are a leading producer of packaging board and solutions, pulp, wooden products and paper. Stora Enso has three research centres in Imatra (Finland), Karlstad (Sweden), and Mönchengladbach (Germany), and two innovation centres in Stockholm and in Helsinki.
North America
Stora Enso has a pilot facility in Danville, Virginia, to develop technologies for the conversion of biomass into highly refined sugars and lignin. In 2018, the production of xylose started in our demonstration plant in Raceland, Louisiana.
South America
In Brazil, Stora Enso owns 50% of Veracel Celulose pulp mill. The Montes del Plata pulp mill in Uruguay is a joint operation between Stora Enso and Arauco.
In 2018, Stora Enso's new consumer board mill continued to ramp up in Beihai, in the Guangxi region, where our operations also include eucalyptus plantations. In addition, Stora Enso has three packaging plants and operates one jointly owned paper mill.
Our products provide a climate-friendly alternative to many products made from non-renewable materials, and have a smaller carbon footprint. Being responsible – doing good for the people and the planet – underpins our thinking and our approach to every aspect of doing business.
Stora Enso was founded on 29th December 1998 and has its head offices in Helsinki and Stockholm. We employ some 26 000 people in more than 30 countries, and our sales in 2018 were EUR 10.5 billion.
Stora Enso operates globally:
Stora Enso’s head office is in Helsinki, Finland. Most of the Group’s sales and operations take place in Europe, where we are a leading producer of packaging board and solutions, pulp, wooden products and paper. Stora Enso has three research centres in Imatra (Finland), Karlstad (Sweden), and Mönchengladbach (Germany), and two innovation centres in Stockholm and in Helsinki.
North America
Stora Enso has a pilot facility in Danville, Virginia, to develop technologies for the conversion of biomass into highly refined sugars and lignin. In 2018, the production of xylose started in our demonstration plant in Raceland, Louisiana.
South America
In Brazil, Stora Enso owns 50% of Veracel Celulose pulp mill. The Montes del Plata pulp mill in Uruguay is a joint operation between Stora Enso and Arauco.
In 2018, Stora Enso's new consumer board mill continued to ramp up in Beihai, in the Guangxi region, where our operations also include eucalyptus plantations. In addition, Stora Enso has three packaging plants and operates one jointly owned paper mill.